Welcome…now lets Wine!

A down to earth girl, with a passion for writing, food, fun, and photography all crammed into this crazy, hectic and one of a kind ride… So come on, lets Wine about it.

Food, Photography, Wine reviews, Recipes, questions, answers, and Everyday Life!

9 thoughts on “Welcome…now lets Wine!

      1. I understand perfectly about the craziness. Haha. Mom’s are expected to do a lot add working into the mix and you have a chaotic life. Reading your blog. Sounds like you have a great attitude about it. Keep up the writing. 🙂

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      2. Thanks!! Some days i feel like Super woman. Then others it takes everything in me, to get out of bed, but forward pushing we must! 🙂


    1. Thank you so much! I did not get a chance to make my cream cheese stuffed pumpkin bread but I did bake a peach pie that I will be posting within the next couple of days! I look for any more on your blog as well! 🙂

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